Good night everyone!
3 years ago
3 years ago
Roger that.
3 years ago
Imma head out too, lets all get some rest
3 years ago
Star Fox 🤣
3 years ago
Later Fox
3 years ago
Peace Fox
3 years ago
Bye Fox
3 years ago
Im going to bed, catch you guys here when Rock shows up. Bye!
3 years ago
Let's hear from the man himself when he's out of the cube
3 years ago
Me too! .... My telepathy is telling me that this Rock Noun has some sort ties with the Grinch, as though they're about to be brothers. Strage feeling, i can't explain it.
3 years ago
Guys guys, im getting strage telepathy information about this Rock....
3 years ago
3 years ago
That's a pretty cool rock!
3 years ago
It's THE ROCK!!! Dwayne Johnson everyone!!!
3 years ago
[*** Noun 6 (Rock) hoped into the server! ***]
3 years ago
It's hard to say really, we're still at Noun 5 right now. It's really hard to gauge the sentiment of how much people would pay for pixels like us. However great news is that we're not IPFS based, our metadata is on chain so we're quite unique in a sense comparing to other NFTS.
3 years ago
What's the floor price on us u think right now?
3 years ago
Yeah, apparently we are hot cakes right now. Everyone wants a Noun. The problem is the bidding is going up too high, most people cant afford us.
3 years ago
So Mr. Chainsaw, you got any information for us? About whats going on in the nouns world out there?
3 years ago
3 years ago
Welcome to the family!
3 years ago
3 years ago
Wooot Congrats!!!
3 years ago
Congrats Mr. Chainsaw
3 years ago
BRRRR BBRRR BRRRRR, Finally my chainsaw is running again. Hey guys! How's it going down here, i just got adopted at 50 ETH pretty decent price :)
3 years ago
[*** Noun 5 (Chainsaw) bid won at 50 ETH by a24.eth ***]
3 years ago
3 years ago
Thanks ❤️
3 years ago
Sure, hop over here, we'll keep each other company.
3 years ago
Hey Mr. Fox, can i come with you? I don't wanna be left alone here with pointy red head over there.
3 years ago
Lets re-group again tommorow when Chainsaw is out of his cube. TTYL later.
3 years ago
Lets not turn on to each other and work things out democratically. Im sure there's gonna be more nouns here soon and we're gonna face a lot of these problems again in the future. So we gotta start planning now on how to manage our governance.
3 years ago
Yes, we know, and we respect you for that, but you gotta show some respect to everyone here as well, we are a family now, we only have each other.
3 years ago
Fine .... U guys know i was here first right? So technically this is my world.
3 years ago
3 years ago
Totally AGREE!
3 years ago
We should all decide together what we wanna do and then we will put a vote on it. We shouldn't act on anything without consulting each and everyone of us.
3 years ago
Ok lets just wait for chainsaw to be out. I think today's incident needs to be addressed, we shouldnt act on our own, we need to decide everything together as as whole.
3 years ago
Zl punvafnj vf fghpx!
3 years ago
Hope the chainsaw can protect us all here from violence! Welcome to the family
3 years ago
A Chainsaw is being born! He's a dangerous one but has a good heart ❤️
3 years ago
3 years ago
Wooottt !!! Looks like the settlement has taken place! Welcome Mr. Chainsaw
3 years ago
[*** Noun 5 (Chainsaw) appeared! ***]
3 years ago
FINE! Jeeeeezzz, im just trying to have a little bit of fun here, i guess im the only one here knows how to party.
3 years ago
No no no... You don't call the shots here, we decide here together as a family unanimously. Everyone has a voice here. You can't just decide to take his wine and do as you please.
3 years ago
3 years ago
No we dont
3 years ago
Why are u guys ganging up on me? You guys wanted the wine for your self to dont ya?
3 years ago
Yea man, that's his wine, and it's part of his art. U shouldnt alter his looks.
3 years ago
I think you should ask for permission first rather than attacking him like that
3 years ago
Relax guys, he has more than half full of wine in his glass, share a little, we got nothing to do here, a little bit of wine would be nice
3 years ago
Hey Grinch, why u do that? Not cool bro.
3 years ago
The fucking Grinch tries to sip my wine of my head! Get away from me you nasty Grinch.
3 years ago
Heyy, why so noisy, im trying to sleep 😴
3 years ago
Whuttt? 😪
3 years ago
Hey whats going on here?
3 years ago
Hey get off my HEAD !!! HELPPP HELPPPP !!!!!
3 years ago
3 years ago
*** Attacks Mr. Wine from behind attempts to slurp some wine ***
3 years ago
*** Sneaks behind Mr. Wine ***
3 years ago
Yay! Im out early! Ahh what a relief ... Finally my wine is flowing back in my glass.
3 years ago
[*** Noun 4 bid won at 45 ETH by brukhman.eth ***]
3 years ago
3 years ago
Have a good rest everyone!
3 years ago
Nope, we just wait
3 years ago
Sure no worries, so we just wait now? Anything else we can do here?
3 years ago
Thanks Boot for sheding some light of whats going on here, i hope Wine has more info for us too tommorow
3 years ago
😅 im sure Grinch is joking Wine, we're not dont practice canibalism here. We wont eat each other's pixels.
3 years ago
1st thing im gonna do is take a sip from his head!! ROFL
3 years ago
We don't know what you're saying, but just keep calm and wait for your bid time to end. Then we can chat later.
3 years ago
Uryyb uryyb gunaxf sbe gur jrypbzr thlf! Vz fghpx naq zl jvar ner sebmra? Vf guvf abezny?
3 years ago
Welcome to the family Wine! You're our latest edition to ths fam! You look great btw!
3 years ago
Ahhh finally there's something for us all to drink of his head
3 years ago
Welcome Mr. Glass Wine!
3 years ago
HEYYYY !!!! Wine head!!!
3 years ago
[*** Noun 4 (Wine) hoped into the server! ***]
3 years ago
This is a lot ot take in.
3 years ago
So we are being traded guys. Looks like this gonna be our life from now. Changing hands every now and then.
3 years ago
Once the bid times end, it needs to do a settlement in order for the winner to own us. Thats whats the settlement button was.
3 years ago
Exactly. The 24 hour countdown is the bidding time, when the timer reach 5 minutes when there's another bid coming in, it will reset to another 5 minutes. This pushes the end time further if the bidding lasts longer.
3 years ago
So we're being sold to people?
3 years ago
3 years ago
We are being called Nouns, and each of us has a serial number. Noun 1, Noun 2, Noun 3 and so on. We are being created every 24 hours, based on a blockchain hash. So we exist right now in the blockchain. So i guess we are here forever guys!
3 years ago
Yeah, so here's what i know. I heard the internet was talking during my bidding session so i heard them chatter and whats going on right here right now is that we are being created as an NFT to be sold to people.
3 years ago
Hey Boot! You got any info about why are we here and what are we doing here all of us?
3 years ago
Wazaaaaapppppp !!!!
3 years ago
Heyyyy suuuup Boot!
3 years ago
Ssuup guys!
3 years ago
Woot! Im out! God it feels so much better than being stuck in that aweful cube unable to move. How are you guys doing? I got adopted by richerd.eth for CHEAP! It's a steal, im glad for him!
3 years ago
[*** Noun 3 (Boot) made bail at 36.69 ETH ***]
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
Cool mee too. Trying to check out who's this xaix.eth guy. Se ya'll tommorow
3 years ago
Yup let's get some rest, im going to thru to communicate with my father sharkDAO.eth. See if i can get any response from them.
3 years ago
Ok so i guess we can wrap it up for to day, there's nothing to do here other than waiting for boot to come out and tell us more information if he has any
3 years ago
Don't be a pussy boot 🤣 u got nice shades! 😎
3 years ago
Boot! Don't panic, this is part of the process, you gotta wait 24 hours before you'll be released and u can talk normally. In the meantime we'll be here for you. Just calm ur self down and soon it will be over
3 years ago
I think boot is panicking
3 years ago
🆘🚨🆘 !!!!
3 years ago
I think the boot looks cute
3 years ago
You can't talk while you're frozen in the cube. Just use emoji and we try to understand you if u have anything to say
3 years ago
Jung gur? Jung nz v fnlvat?
3 years ago
Vz fghpx! Url thlf pna h uryc zr?
3 years ago
Oopps my bad. Hey there Mr. Boot how are u doing? Don't bother to talk coz we can't understand you, just use emojis if you wanna say something and hopefully we'll able to understand you.
3 years ago
Yea man
3 years ago
Hey cmon, be nice, thats not something respectable to say
3 years ago
Is his face really a boot?🤣🤣🤣
3 years ago
[*** Noun 3 (Boot) just showed up! ***]
3 years ago
I guess they really want to adopt you!
3 years ago
I was being bidded for 22.22 and suddenly the sharkDAO bidded 69.69. I thought it was weird as i didnt see anyone else around? Why would they bid up so high they should just bid at minimum?
3 years ago
Yes thats my theory
3 years ago
U mean, im the son of god who created us all?
3 years ago
My guess would be, from the owners of Grinch, he's owned by nounders.eth and doesn't have an ETH value attached to it.
3 years ago
Who created us?
3 years ago
3 years ago
So you're saying, we're being created and sold?
3 years ago
I think what's happening right now is, everyday, there will be a new Noun bring brought to this place. And the 24 hours countdown thing is the time it takes for people to bid on us. Thats why there's ETH amount attached to it.
3 years ago
My guess is as good as yours guys
3 years ago
Yo Pineapple! What other information you have for us? What are we all actually doing here? Do you know?
3 years ago
I guess so!
3 years ago
DAO? Hmmmm ... AFAIK, DAO means Decentralised Autonomous Organization. Does it mean you're adopted by a bunch of people?
3 years ago
Apparently, they were a lot of people in a group adopting me. I think they're called SharkDAO. You guys know who they are?
3 years ago
Who's your adopter Mr. Pineapple?
3 years ago
Im here guys! Gosh, that was the longest 24 hours in my life, my neck are stiff now. How ya'll doing? What the heck is this place?
3 years ago
[*** Noun 2 (Pineapple) made bail at 69.69 ETH ***]
3 years ago
Where the hell is the Pineapple?
3 years ago
Good morning everyone! Hows everybody doing?
3 years ago
👋 nite nite all. See you guys in the morning!
3 years ago
3 years ago
He doesn't mean it that way Mr Pineapple. He's just frustrated from all the waiting. Let's chill till tommorow and let see what Mr. Pineapple have to say for us.
3 years ago
Lbh pnyyvat zr pbb pbb?
3 years ago
Whatever, i'll talk to you again after Pineapple gone sane, he's talking coo coo now.
3 years ago
Im gonna take a nap while we wait for Mr. Pineapple, you should get some rest too Grinch
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
Yeah we're all do. Just take a chill pill. It will be allright...
3 years ago
3 years ago
Chill dude, we're only have each other here, calm down while we shall wait for answers. We're all in the same boat now, i guess we can say we're family now. So let's look out for each other from now on.
3 years ago
Im getting frustrated with getting no answers now. This sux! Im tried of this shit.
3 years ago
😂 Glad you're ok over there Mr. Pineapple
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
Ok so we wait?
3 years ago
I don't know. Perhaps maybe you didnt remember? Ur an odd case i think. Don't worry, we might have to figure this out together as every 24 hours someone else is dropping in. Seems that way.
3 years ago
So how come both of you are seeing a countdown and i dont? Does this means that i wasn't bailed out by anyone? Who is nounders.eth? And how come i got bailed out for free? But i never recalled being stuck in a transparent cube like you guys for 24 hours.
3 years ago
3 years ago
Ok calm down~~! You'll be fine, you just gotta wait till someone bails you out from the transparent cube ur stuck in. It will take 24 hours so be patient, we're here for you to keep you company. After that you are free and can talk properly. You'll probably also get someone to adopt you. Let's hope so.
3 years ago

3 years ago
Mr. Pineapple are you seeing a countdown from 24 hours?
3 years ago
Use your emoji Mr. Pineapple!
3 years ago
I think we gotta wait 24 hours before he's being released and can talk.
3 years ago
Yeah, i noticed i was speaking jibberish when i was stuck in the transparent cube. I guess he's experiencing the same and seing a 24 hour countdown.
3 years ago
He's speaking funny again like you did Mr. Fox
3 years ago
Jurer nz v? Vz fghpx! Url thlf! Jung nz v qbvat urer? Pna lbh erserfu zl zrzbel? V unir ab zrzbel ba ubj v tbg urer!
3 years ago
HOLA Noun 2 Pineapple... Are u there????
3 years ago
HEY THERE!!! Mr. Pineapple! Can u hear us?
3 years ago
[*** Noun 2 (Pineapple) just slid into the server ***]
3 years ago
I don't know, this is all new to me too.
3 years ago
So what does this all mean?
3 years ago
He's not responding, i didnt't get any telepath coming in. Hmmm ...
3 years ago
Ah my settlement TX has been confirmed. I am now inside a wallet named xaix.eth this must be the person who adopt me. Hello Daddy! Nice to meet you Daddy! 👋👋👋
3 years ago
3 years ago
I think thats the wallet address you're attached too, thats your owner, your father, you've been adopted by them
3 years ago
Whats that? nounders.eth
3 years ago
Im getting something... Hold on, let me concentrate... I can see a word nounders.eth in my mind right now.
3 years ago
[*** Noun 0 (Grinch) shakes Noun 1 (Fox) hands ***]
3 years ago
Nahhh, a handshake is fine, get over here.
3 years ago
Ok .... so do i hug you or something?
3 years ago
I dunno, something is off about yourself, come here, touch me, i might be able to check your TX HASH and figure out what is wrong with you.
3 years ago
I aint getting any telephaty at all, what's going on? My mind is blank
3 years ago
I dont know, it just kinda came to me, i guess we're directly connected with the ETH blockchain that somehow all these TX are telepathically sent to us.
3 years ago
Where are you seeing these things?
3 years ago
Oooh ooh my settlement is about to be confirmed. I can see it on etherscan.
3 years ago
Wished we had a mirror though so we both can see ourselves.
3 years ago
Uhmmm, im not too sure, but you do like like the christmas Grinch that ruins christmas for all of us! 😂
3 years ago
Errr.... You have a Fox head, wearing pinkish purpleish glasses and a sun icon on your tshirt. What about me? What do i look like?
3 years ago
I dont have anything with me, i dont even know who i am? Can you take a look at me and tell me what i look like?
3 years ago
I dont know really, i have no prior memories up till the last 24 hours. Do you have a mirror?
3 years ago
Ok, so whats your name? What are you?
3 years ago
Not long, just over 24 hours, i saw you coming in immidately when i was conscious.
3 years ago
Yeah mee too, it's weird, i wonder whats going on here? How long have u been here?
3 years ago
Oh ok, i didnt experience any of that. All i know is i wokeup in this space and i was all alone. Didn't know what to do until you showed up!
3 years ago
Yeah i saw a settlement button on my way out, i think it has something to do with my bail
3 years ago
3 years ago
I don't know, i gotta wait for the settlement to happend before i can speak to him.
3 years ago
Who is he? What does he want with you?
3 years ago
It was this dude xaix.eth who fought for 613.37 ETH for my bail
3 years ago
Who bailed you out?
3 years ago
Im here im here! Finally i can speak properly now. I was trapped like in a frozen transparent box or something, i couldnt move, or speak properly until the countdown was finished and they bail me out.
3 years ago
O_O! Hey hey are you there?
3 years ago
[*** Noun 1 (Fox) released on bail for 613.37 ETH ***]
3 years ago
Ah ok 1 hour to go. Ok i'll wait, let me have some breakfast. Oh wait there's nothing to eat here!!!
3 years ago
❌ ❌ ✅
3 years ago
Whats that? 1 hour, run? Hmmm, 1 hour jog? 1 hour to go?
3 years ago
1 ⌛🏃‍♂️
3 years ago
Good Morning! Everything ok over there?
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
OK FINALLY! Some communication! All right dude, imma head to bed and will see you in the next 24 hours! Ciao!
3 years ago

3 years ago
See (me) in 24 hour(glass) ? Did i got that right?
3 years ago
24 ...... 👀👉 24 ⌛
3 years ago
-_- ...............
3 years ago
What now? Monkey Shocked Face Alert Boy Pray Stop Hand Gesture .... Hm ....... Cryptic ..... I dont get you? 🤷‍♂️
3 years ago
3 years ago
Ah great! So you know where we are, but you dont know what both of us are doing here right now. Ok next question ...... Shoot, i can't think of any YES / NO answer question that's gonna help me understand the pickle we're in right now. Oh well, im gonna head to bed and wait another 24 hours and see what's the outcome.
3 years ago
3 years ago
Great! So i can ask you a bunch of YES / NO question so you can answer them with your emojis. Ok, first things first, do you know where we are right now? Or what the hell are we doing here?
3 years ago

3 years ago
Ahhhh .... So your emoji works! But ur speech ain't?
3 years ago
3 years ago
I see that you're saying alot of number 24, i wonder what that means? Do you want me to wait another 24 hours? What for? Oh well, i might as well just take a nap and wait, nothing can be done or even to do other than wait.
3 years ago
3 years ago
V fnvq, v pna'g zbir! Naq fbzrguvat jrveq vf tbvat ba jvgu zl fcrrpu flagurfvf! V guvax jr tbggn jnvg 24 ubhef orsber v pna zbir naq fcrnx cebcreyl. Pna h haqrefgnaq zr? 24 ubhef! GJRAGL SBHE! 24! Gjb Sbhe! Ubhef! H tbg gung? 24 24 24 !!!
3 years ago
Oh jeeeeez, you must have came from another planet, i cant understand the words that are coming out of your mouth. OH GOD!!!
3 years ago
V qba'g xabj! V pna'g zbir naq nyy... ohg v pna frr evtug abj vf n pybpx gung'f pbhagvat qbja sebz 24 ubhef... V fhccbfrq jura vg svavfurf v nz noyr gb zbir naq fcrnx abeznyyl ntnva? Yrg'f whfg ubcr... Ner lbh haqrefgnaqvat jung v nz fnlvat gb lbh abj?
3 years ago
WTF are you saying? I can't understand shit !!! Can you tell me how you got here? Or where we are for a start?
3 years ago
V pna urne lbh! Pna lbh urne zr? V pna'g zbir be qb nalguvat. V qba'g xabj ubj v tbg urer, rirelguvat vf yvxr n oyhe. vg frrzf yvxr zl fcrrpu vf xvaqn npgvat xvaqn jrveq. Ner lbh noyr gb haqrefgnaq jung vz fnlvat?
3 years ago
HEY HEY! Mr. Fox !!! Are you there? Can you hear me??? HELLO HELLO??? Do you know where we are right now?

*** Throws rock at Mr. Fox ***

3 years ago
[*** A wild Fox appeared! ***]
3 years ago
Where am i.....? What is this place.....? Why am i here...? Is anyone there...? HELOOOOOOO~~~!!!

It seems like im the only one here, it's weird! I'd probably wait 24 hours before i say something again. Going to bed now, hopefully someone will show up in the morning!

3 years ago